On 24 – 25 March 2015, Hans Petter Graver, former Chair of NCP Norway, led the Peer Review of the Danish NCP. Peer reviews serve to highlight acheivements of individual NCPs and can also provide support for improvement. Peer reviews also constitute a beneficial learning process for other NCPs, and the OECDs Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct has strongly recommended NCPs to volunteer for peer reviews. It is important that the National Contact Points (NCPs) of the OECD strive to achieve functional equivalence, including equal treatment of specific instances. NCP Norway volunteered for a peer review in 2013 and found it highly rewarding – read more about that process and report here.
The Danish NCP is different from other NCPs as it is established pursuant to a Danish Act adopted by the Danish Parliament in June 2012. The Act gives the Danish NCP the opportunity to initiate a specific instance regarding the OECD Guidelines without an external complaint. The Danish NCP comprises of five members and they are, like in NCP Norway, reprsentatives suggested by trade unions, civil society and business. The Danish NCP also has a Secretariat which is administratively part of Denmark’s Ministry of Business and Growth.
The Peer Review took place in Copenhagen and the team comprised of: Hans Petter Graver (leader of review team), Steven Murdoch (NCP UK), Malte Hauschild (NCP Germany) and Christina Tébar Less (OECD Secretariat). Paige Fetzer (NCP USA) and Janne Haraldsen (NCP Norway) participated as observers. David Kovick from Shift assisted the team with the review.

24 March 2015: The team met the Danish NCP and heard their reflections on the Danish system, their work so far and challenges faced. They put forward some issues where they would particularly welcome ideas/comments from the review team. After that the team met representatives from a number of important stakeholders: national organisations/networks; representatives from business and trade unions to hear their experiences and reflections regarding the Danish NCP. They were encouraged to put forward suggestions on how the Danish NCP could improve in any way, including issues related to the NCP’s handling of specific instances.
25 March 2015: The team met both parties in two specific instances/complaints. These meetings highlighted certain challenges for both parties.
A report is now being finalized and is expected to be put forward by the Danish NCP in June 2015 at the OECD.